
IF : Garden

Je reprend les posts sur http://www.illustrationfriday.com/
Le thème de la semaine est "Jardin". Le mien est imaginaire...

This week's topic on http://www.illustrationfriday.com/ is "Garden". Mine is imaginary...

7 commentaires:

Julie Bates a dit…

Really beautiful! I love your use of negative space... and the colors are yummy... Thank you for sharing this~

Miz K a dit…

Really stunning piece - one of my favorite gardens yet!

sheree boyd a dit…

beautiful illustration!

Anonyme a dit…

I love it!

Richard Cardona a dit…

Superb! Great energy.

Michelle a dit…

Great digital design work! I love the colors and style!

pt1K a dit…

Comme les autres :
Beautiful, my man !!