

Le sujet de la semaine d'IllustrationFriday.
Des fois, on croise vraiment des annonces à la con.
Sometimes, you cross so byzarre stuffs...

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

ah-ha, but is that - perhaps - part of what makes it your preferred coat?! Nice concept on missing...thanks too for visiting my blog!

Zari a dit…

this is so original! great concept ;)

thefridayfrog a dit…

GREAT idea. so simple and it gets it done. wonderful loose line, too. :)

Sean Dampier a dit…

Nice line work, the missing button I think has a universal connection -
Merci des mots aimables sur mon blog - l'apprécie que!

Rosa Prat a dit…

This is one of my favourites, very nice work! :)

DeuxBen a dit…

clap clap broza...
pas mal du tout et ca m'a fait rire c pour dire... great (comme ils disent tous!!)